This year, our esteemed Analytical Development Manager Andrew Jones, celebrated an impressive milestone of 15 years of dedicated service with Chemika.
Chemika was Andrew’s first employer following completion of a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours at the University of Wollongong. His honours thesis involved the study of atmospheric gases using advanced FTIR instrumentation.
Andrews’s work started with routine wet chemistry and later moving on to instrumentation. Andrew proved to be very adept at analytical chemistry and with an enquiring mind which always sought to know how things worked.
In 2014 Andrew commenced a PhD on a part time basis at the Western Sydney University, researching novel methods of HPLC using post column derivatisation. Andrew completed his PhD in 2019 which was accompanied by publication of 24 papers in international journals.
Andrew was promoted to the newly formed position of Analytical Development Manager in 2022. Since then many customers will have worked with Andrew developing protocols for method validation or other studies. I am sure our customers will agree that we are very fortunate to have Andrew on our staff, both for his technical prowess and from being a genuinely nice person to work with.
Congratulations Andrew on an outstanding career and your invaluable contributions to Chemika and the success of our customers’ businesses.