A new version of our laboratory information management system (Chemika Information Management aka. “CIM”) is to be launched with our new branding on 26th February 2022.
The new version of the database includes a number of enhancements as well as redesigned certificates of analysis and invoices incorporating the new look. Note that banking details will not change.
With the launch of the new database our customers will receive a daily report of samples which have been registered and confirmation of the registration details. Other improvements which affect internal processes will result in improved efficiency and compliance, with the database controlling the issue of various documents such as non-conformance and OOS reports. This allows for improved traceability, data integrity and will allow for easy reconciliation of forms at the time of release of results.
The CIM software system is a custom written application which was originally released in 1998, controlling sample registration, tracking, reporting and invoicing for Chemika since our first day of operation. The system has evolved considerably over the years and is designed specifically for a GMP licensed chemical testing laboratory. In more recent years release of each version has been carried out in accordance with GAMP5 system life cycle principles, which has allowed the system to achieve full CFR 21 part 11 compliance, including issue of electronic certificates of analysis with digital signatures.
The author of the system is Stephen Doughty, a graduate of UTS and information systems specialist. Stephen’s work history includes management of software development teams in a number of organisations, including time spent at Meat and Livestock Australia managing the development and operation of the Australian National Livestock Identification System (NLIS).
CIM has been a cornerstone of operations at Chemika for over 20 years and continues to evolve into the future. The next step in the evolution will the opening of a self-service portal for our customers which is planned to be launched in 2022.