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Our new logo and branding – same but different

By February 21, 2022November 30th, 2023No Comments

After conducting customer surveys, staff interviews and extensive design work, we are finally ready to reveal our new Chemika logo and branding. The customer surveys confirmed what we already believed and maintained, that the most important part of our service is delivering reliable results when you need them. So with that in mind, we took an evolutionary approach to the redesign rather than revolutionary.

The refreshed Chemika logo and branding is more focused, consistent and comprehensive. It reflects the development, growth, and ultimately the success of our business over the last decade. Our new website provides a clear picture of our unique approach, services and where we excel.

The roll out of our new branding is planned for the 26th of February 2022 with all official documentation including certificates of analysis, interim reports, quotations and invoices moving to the new look. Please note that our banking details will remain the same. Links to examples of the new documents are included below:

Chemika Example CofA

Chemika Example CIM Invoice

We are still one of the most capable and trusted chemical testing laboratories in Australia, and we now have a new logo and branding to suit.