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We’re back in Melbourne!

By April 20, 2021August 25th, 2021No Comments

We’re back! We have re-opened our customer service office in Chadstone, Victoria, servicing the vibrant local pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

It’s in the perfect location too, close to the Monash Freeway and Melbourne’s South East.

Laura our Business Development Manager for Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania works from the Melbourne office 5 days a week, and Alan Doughty our Managing Director and Chief Chemist works from the Melbourne office one week every month. He will next be in Melbourne week commencing 17th May.

Contact details for our Melbourne office:
Laura Piva
BSc (Chem) MRACI | BAppSci (Wine Science)
Business Development | Victoria and South Australia
Suite 34 Level 2, UL/40 1341 Dandenong Road, Chadstone Vic 3148
T +61 3 8564 8127 | M +61 498 024 647