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What’s new in equipment and testing

By January 15, 2021October 4th, 2021No Comments

Ninhydrin Positive Substances is a complex post column derivatisation HPLC analysis. Chemika now has two HPLC systems dedicated to this specialised testing of impurities in amino acids. The majority of amino acids are tested using a sodium ion exchange column with only aspartic acid and cysteine requiring a lithium ion exchange column. Chemika is now able to offer both systems and able to test the full range of amino acids for this test using the current pharmacopoeial methods.

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is a critical test for many manufacturers where daily pro-duction relies on water tested to compendial standards. Chemika has invested in duplication of our TOC system to allow for greater capacity and reliability. The new system is a wet oxidation system which allows the sensitivity requirements of our customers to be easily met. Duplication of the systems will also allow rinse samples for cleaning validation to be tested on a different system to samples of purified water for manufacturing. Chemika runs TOC every Thursday offering fast turn around times without surcharge. Please ensure your samples arrive at Chemika by Wednesday afternoon to take advantage of the weekly service.

AAS unit installed and validated with an additional new auto sampler. This will result in higher productivity with over night runs.

Two additional HPLC systems including a fluorescence detector have been installed and qualified and all of the HPLC systems, GC systems, AAS unit, UV-Vis unit, FT-IT unit are fully integrated with our server based chromato-graphic data system which is fully compliant with Australian and international DI requirements.